vegan collard green recipe/Are collard greens a Superfood

 Collard Greens and Carrots Recipe:


1. 1 lb collard greens, washed and chopped

2. 2 large carrots, peeled and sliced

3. 2 tbsp olive oil

4. 1 onion, chopped

5. 3 cloves garlic, minced

6. 2 cups chicken or vegetable broth

7. 1 tsp salt

8. 1/2 tsp black pepper


1. In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat the olive oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and sauté until softened, about 5 minutes.

2. Add the chopped collard greens and sliced carrots to the pot. Stir well to combine with the onion and garlic.

3. Pour in the broth, salt, and black pepper. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer for 30-40 minutes, or until the collard greens and carrots are tender.

4. Once the collard greens and carrots are tender, remove the pot from the heat and serve immediately.

5. Cook Time: 30-40 minutes

6. Temperature: Low heat, simmering 

Benefits in collard green:

1. Collard greens are a nutrient-dense leafy vegetable that provides many health benefits. Here are some of the potential benefits of consuming collard greens: 2. Rich in nutrients: Collard greens are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium, iron, and fiber. 3. Supports bone health: The high calcium and vitamin K content in collard greens can help promote bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 4. May lower cancer risk: Collard greens contain compounds called glucosinolates that may help reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, including lung, colorectal, and breast cancer. 5. May improve heart health: Collard greens are low in calories and high in fiber, which may help improve heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure. 6. May support digestion: The fiber in collard greens can help promote healthy digestion and reduce the risk of constipation. 7. May reduce inflammation: The anti-inflammatory properties of collard greens may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with many chronic diseases. Overall, including collard greens in your diet can provide many potential health benefits and contribute to a well-balanced, nutrient-rich diet.

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