Unique kimchi recipe

 Kimchi Recipe:


1. 2 heads of Napa cabbage (about 4 pounds total)

2. 1 cup coarse sea salt

3. 1 tablespoon grated garlic (about 5-6 cloves)

4. 1 teaspoon grated ginger

5. 1 teaspoon granulated sugar

6. 1/4 cup fish sauce

7. 1/4 cup gochugaru (Korean red pepper flakes)

8. 1 cup chopped scallions (about 5-6 scallions)

9. 1 cup julienned carrots (about 2-3 medium carrots)

10. 1 cup julienned daikon radish (about 1 small daikon)

11. 1 tablespoon toasted sesame seeds


1.Cut each head of Napa cabbage into quarters lengthwise. Remove the core from each quarter and cut the remaining leaves into 2-inch pieces.

2. In a large bowl, mix the cabbage with the sea salt until it is evenly coated. Let it sit for about 2 hours, tossing it every 30 minutes to ensure even salting.

3. After 2 hours, rinse the cabbage thoroughly in cold water and drain it in a colander for about 30 minutes.

4. In a separate bowl, mix together the garlic, ginger, sugar, fish sauce, and gochugaru until it forms a paste.

5. Add the scallions, carrots, and daikon radish to the paste and mix until the vegetables are evenly coated.

6. Add the drained cabbage to the vegetable mixture and mix everything together until the cabbage is evenly coated with the paste.

7. Transfer the mixture to a large, clean glass jar or container. Press down on the mixture to release any air bubbles and make sure everything is packed tightly.

8. Let the jar sit at room temperature for 1-5 days, depending on your desired level of fermentation. Check on the kimchi daily and press down on it to release any air bubbles.

9. Once the kimchi has fermented to your liking, transfer it to the refrigerator. It will continue to ferment slowly in the refrigerator, but at a much slower rate.

10. Once the kimchi has chilled in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds before serving.


Q1: What is kimchi?

A: Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made from fermented vegetables, typically cabbage or radish, that is seasoned with a variety of spices and seasonings.

Q2: What are some health benefits of eating kimchi?

A: Kimchi is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, B, and C, and minerals like calcium and iron. It also contains beneficial probiotics, which can help support gut health and boost the immune system.

Q3: Can I use regular table salt instead of sea salt?

A: While you can technically use regular table salt, it is not recommended as it may contain anti-caking agents that can affect the fermentation process and the flavor of the kimchi.

Q4: What if I don't have fish sauce?

A: You can substitute soy sauce or miso paste for fish sauce if you prefer a vegetarian or vegan version of the recipe.

Q5: How long will kimchi last in the refrigerator?

A: Properly stored kimchi can last for several months in the refrigerator, but it will continue to ferment and become more sour as time goes on.

Other Information:

Kimchi can be enjoyed on its own as a side dish, or used as a flavorful ingredient in other dishes like stir-fries, soups, and stews.

Kimchi is a versatile dish that can be customized to

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